不用分說,這個也是一個記錄。記錄上週寫給朋友的一個EMAIL,因為我發現到一個方式在這個小鎮上,買到品質優良但是前所未有低價,也就是物美價廉的 Choice 等級的肋眼 (Ribeyes) 或是紐約客 (N.Y. Strip) 牛排。雖然下圖中並非從 TFM 超市買來的肋眼,而是 Publix 超市特價賣的帶骨肋眼 (Bone-In Ribeyes),不過也可以當作是一個記錄吧!不過還是要說,出了中西部 (Midwest),牛肉跟玉米都失去了一個微妙的甜味,也許這個就是新鮮的味道!不過失之牛肉,收之蝦子及新鮮海鮮~我想我還是寧願多一點海鮮好了!這樣子一說,又想到新英格蘭的龍蝦跟眾多海鮮貝殼兄弟們!真是惆悵......

朋友問,你為何寫這麼長的 EMAIL,又如此詳細?我想我的回答是,你有看過這個令人憤慨的牛排價格嗎?一磅只有 $4.99,這可不是一般米國超市可以買到用來燉肉 (Stew) 用的屁股肉切塊 (Round Beef),這可是牛排店裡面一塊都要 $12 元以上的肋眼或是紐約客,當然我說的是一般連鎖牛排店,不是高級牛排店喔!然後一般原價都要 $10~$12 元美金的牛排,特價下來也得 $7.99 /lb。結果,現在這個方式買只要 $4.99 /lb!!!套一句在 Boston Legal 裡面常出現的法官 (Henry Gibson, R.I.P.) 常說的一句話:「OUTRAGEOUS!!!」真的是太過份了!回想過去幾年花錢在買牛排上面的花費,現在覺得自己根本像傻子一般!鄉親阿,一磅 $4.99,還在號稱「有機」超市的 TFM 裡邊買到的!當然即使是 Whole Foods 超市,都不敢說自己牛排多有機的情況下,怎樣都覺得這個方式買牛排是賺到再賺到,所以詳細記錄一下這個磨門特吧!這樣子算是回答嗎?還是這根本是贖罪阿......



This is a letter that I have recently found the trick to get a really good quality of beef steak, including ribeyes and NY strip, from the Fresh Market.  Please take a reference of the promotion this week as the link follows:
As you can see there is a promotion for "Whole or Half" piece of NY Strip steak for $4.99 per pound.  It was $4.99/lb for ribeyes steak last week.  Normally, the regular price for NY Strip and Ribeyes steaks is around $10 to $12, from Sam's Club, Publix, or even Costco.  Sometimes, Publix has a sale for $6.99/lb, but you would have no idea when the sale will begin.  There is no pattern for the sale from past my observation. 
But, since Chiu-Hua and Yi-An were here, I have started to look at those promotions in the Fresh Market a lot and found a pattern of it.  Previously, they were promoting many good quality of Florida shrimps that I have mentioned.  The quality is the best that I have ever bought, even it was frozen.  But, it has yet to be promoted for those shrimps within a month.  
They are now promoting Steaks now.  Actually, they have a circle promotion for three different steaks,  Whole Beef Tenderloin (or so-called Filet Mignon), Ribeyes, and NY Strip.  The beef is "Choice" level that you normally could have from the regualr supermarket in the nation.  "Prime" leve of the beef is really rare to get from the supermarket.  When you find the "Prime" level of the beef, the price is going to be double, so to speak.  I made a Wellington Beef about three weeks ago when there was a Prime Filet Mignon on sale (http://picasaweb.google.com/yuminsu1785/20090920BeefWellingtonHomemade#).  I also tried the Prime Ribeyes in August, but I felt that it was too fatty for my family and I.  
So, let me draw your eyes back to the promotion this week, you have found the "Whole or Half" NY Strip steak for $4.99/lb.  Therefore, all you need to do is to approach the counter of meat department, tell them that "May I have a half of NY strip steak, and please slice them into one inch thick for me!"  So, they will cut a whole piece of steak, slice them into about eight pieces.  I just bought it which costed me only $28 for eight pieces of NY Strip steak.  You may do the calculation that one piece of steak would cost you only $3.5.  I bought a larger piece of Ribeyes last week, for the same eight pieces cut that costed me $37.  The beauty of this way to buy steaks is not only save your pocket but also good for your health.  I have a small food processor that I found only ten dollars sold in Walmart.  You may also use the food prosessor to ground the steak into ground beef.  It is a much better cut of beef, certainly, and the quality of this ground beef is so much better than any gound beef that you can find here.  Make sure of slice the steak into small pieces before you put into the food prosessor.
In conclusion, I just wanted to share my major finding lately since I am a big fan of beef steak and hopefully you might as well take advantage of this good oppoutunity to have something good.  Because now I just realize that Sanghyun you also have had some beef and Ansung regularly would stop by the Fresh Market, please try to follow the promotion of TFM every Wednesday when they update it.  Next time, I want to invite you guys to have a steak party in my apartment or wrap the dumplings together! :D  Take care and have a good evening.

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